Welcome Akiva’s forge.

Akiva is a 20 year old scientist, software developer, and thinker. Last year, Akiva studied statistical relationships between structure and function in the C. Elegans nervous system and developing models for predicting how structural changes affect network behavior.

Relentlessly resourceful and persistent, Akiva pursues what he is deeply passionate about with a tsunami of energy. He actualizes his potential and endeavors to create value for himself and ultimately the world.

Akiva lives at the intersection of mind and matter and appreciates both the quantitative and qualitative abilities of the human mind, leading him to the humanities and the sciences. His interests are varied, from philosophy of education, literature, and ideas, music, and art, to computational bible, mathematics, and software.

For more about akiva, read his story

Akiva is on the core team for Openworm’s neuronal-analysis platform, a comprehensive toolkit for producing, analysing and comparing both simulated and recorded neuronal datasets.

At the the time this was written, Akiva was studying the visual system of Drosophila in the Murthy Lab. Now Akiva is a student at Yeshiva University.